TPS Checker

CTPS List History

Total numbers on the CTPS register per month in the last year.

Numbers added and removed from the CTPS register per month in the last year.

Daily quantity of numbers added and removed from the CTPS register.

Date Numbers Added Numbers Removed List Total Difference
26/07/2023 52 1,467 1,348,820 1,415
25/07/2023 7 453 1,350,235 446
24/07/2023 252 939 1,350,681 687
21/07/2023 312 2,521 1,351,368 2,209
20/07/2023 80 486 1,353,577 406
19/07/2023 97 430 1,353,983 333
18/07/2023 170 95 1,354,316 75
17/07/2023 3,650 1,628 1,354,241 2,022
14/07/2023 524 677 1,352,219 153
13/07/2023 84 777 1,352,372 693
12/07/2023 91 166 1,353,065 75
11/07/2023 47 171 1,353,140 124
10/07/2023 409 1,314 1,353,264 905
06/07/2023 102 197 1,354,169 95
05/07/2023 5,742 3,802 1,354,264 1,940
04/07/2023 23 139 1,352,324 116
03/07/2023 50 503 1,352,440 453
30/06/2023 39 321 1,352,893 282
29/06/2023 325 717 1,353,175 392
27/06/2023 2 501 1,353,567 499
26/06/2023 1,450 958 1,354,066 492
23/06/2023 999 136 1,353,574 863
22/06/2023 78 541 1,352,711 463
21/06/2023 49 448 1,353,174 399
20/06/2023 138 2,176 1,353,573 2,038
16/06/2023 262 117 1,355,611 145
15/06/2023 270 1,131 1,355,466 861
13/06/2023 11 110 1,356,327 99
12/06/2023 154 930 1,356,426 776
09/06/2023 654 352 1,357,202 302