TPS Checker

TPS List History

Total numbers on the TPS register per month in the last year.

Numbers added and removed from the TPS register per month in the last year.

Daily quantity of numbers added and removed from the TPS register.

Date Numbers Added Numbers Removed List Total Difference
10/02/2022 1,044 2 17,550,974 1,042
09/02/2022 1,232 0 17,549,932 1,232
08/02/2022 182 2 17,548,700 180
07/02/2022 2,174 0 17,548,520 2,174
04/02/2022 878 0 17,546,346 878
03/02/2022 12,817 88,993 17,545,468 76,176
13/01/2022 1,396 12,307 17,621,644 10,911
11/01/2022 164 6,138 17,632,555 5,974
10/01/2022 1,564 6,124 17,638,529 4,560
07/01/2022 571 6,121 17,643,089 5,550
06/01/2022 610 6,077 17,648,639 5,467
05/01/2022 215 6,156 17,654,106 5,941
04/01/2022 73 6,202 17,660,047 6,129
03/01/2022 677 6,191 17,666,176 5,514
31/12/2021 702 6,172 17,671,690 5,470
30/12/2021 234 6,145 17,677,160 5,911
29/12/2021 215 6,153 17,683,071 5,938
28/12/2021 87 6,052 17,689,009 5,965
27/12/2021 751 6,111 17,694,974 5,360
24/12/2021 530 6,137 17,700,334 5,607
23/12/2021 689 6,206 17,705,941 5,517
22/12/2021 620 6,128 17,711,458 5,508
21/12/2021 192 6,128 17,716,966 5,936
20/12/2021 1,413 6,175 17,722,902 4,762
17/12/2021 647 6,124 17,727,664 5,477
16/12/2021 739 6,132 17,733,141 5,393
15/12/2021 667 6,165 17,738,534 5,498
14/12/2021 142 6,118 17,744,032 5,976
13/12/2021 1,777 6,191 17,750,008 4,414
10/12/2021 728 6,092 17,754,422 5,364